Friday, 20 December 2013

12-week Fitness Challenge: The Beginning

Since being back in Singapore I have been quite diligent in minding my diet and fitness needs.  I had already turned the corner on being ill before I got here and I used the first few months to get my strength back (since I hadn't been exercising at all for 9 mo) and figure out what meals would work best with my schedule and cost effectiveness (considering I have to pretty much make everything myself).  I am so lucky to have such a great roommate that is into fitness and diet and I have found inspiration in watching her work ethic.  I decided that I needed a plan to get to that next level so I did a little research and came across "Sexy Body" workout and I was sold on title alone.  Luckily it's Jamie Eason's plan, so I picked a good one :) 

The first thing I did was to implement a change in my workouts. Up until now I had been focusing on legs, abs, and my upper body was limited to chin-ups.  I was ok with this; I just wanted to get into the gym and get things moving again.  When I came back to Singapore I was 119lb.  I had completely eliminated all grain, starch, and sugar from my diet and I probably had some malabsorption issues as well so I lost a lot of weight and was quite thin.  I was thinner than necessary or than I wanted to be.  

As of today I am 133lb…pretty big difference and I just let the skirts of my costume out 1.5” in the waist (literally just today I had all 3 of them altered).   I like the size that I am although I would love to be tighter or more toned.  I am hoping that this plan will be successful and I have changed my diet a little to support that. My diet is important because it is how I am controlling my GI issues and luckily it's working because my blood levels were all out of whack 5 months ago and now they are all within normal range except for the inflammation marker which is high, but it's still a work in progress so I'll take it!

Before I was eating a lot of nuts (almonds in particular) to give me more calories and fat for that full feeling since I wasn’t eating grain or starch (and let’s be real…I did have some starch occasionally, but not everyday.  Grain I just avoid, it’s bad news for me).  I’ve had to remove one of the servings of a dish that’s made with nut flour and in another dish I have reduced the about of cheese I put into it.   I had to increase my protein intake and my carb intake as well.  I have been on the plan a little more than one week and here is my progress to date:

The pic on the left is when I first got here; the pic on the right a couple days ago.  I am comfortable with my size I really just want the flab to be gone and be toned (I’ll say flab instead of fat to avoid the “you’re not fat” backlash, which is not what I mean – I understand that I am not fat as in overweight).  The workout plan is split into 3 four-week sections, the first of which ends just before my roommate’s figure competition.  I will be show ready…to be backstage LOL

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